Improving productivity and job quality of low-skilled workers

Improving productivity and job quality of low-skilled workers
  1. What to do if an employee does not cope with his duties?
  2. What's better than training?
  3. How to increase efficiency?
  4. Guide: how to implement a plan for low-skilled workers

The professional situation of people with low qualifications has been systematically deteriorating for years. However, the phenomenon of pushing people with low education from the labor market is observing. We are dealing with a mismatch of staff to the requirements of the modern economy and a marginal share of low-skilled workers in education and training.

How and if you can help them at all? Before we answer that question, let's consider who the low-skilled workers are. How do they function in the labor market? Do they have aspirations to change jobs? Are they ready for training or re-qualification? Answering the above questions may be the first step in designing a training policy targeted at this particular group of employees.

What to do if an employee does not cope with his duties?

Before proceeding to the answer to this question and prescribe treatment, we will try to find out the reasons. With all the variety of reasons why an employee does not cope with his duties, they can all reduce to three main ones:

  • Cant;

  • Doesn’t want;

  • And he wants and knows how, but?

Each of these reasons has different manifestations. The employer can take appropriate actions only after finding out the cause and taking into account. Let's look at the causes and find solutions to the issue:

If an employee does not cope with his duties, because he CANNOT ...

"If you don't know-how, we will teach you!" says popular wisdom. And you have to start learning right away. One of the reasons for the "inability" of employees may be the lack of adaptive training of the employee when applying for a job. The training procedure for hiring, introducing it into the company includes three types of adaptation:

  • organizational (familiarization with the structure of the company; with your workplace; instructing on safety; clarification of corporate rules),

  • professional (familiarity with the job description; training in technologies and methods of work execution)

  • socio-psychological (introduction of a novice to colleagues, "School of a beginner,” fixing a mentor)

What's better than training?

Two methods deserve special attention:

  • ongoing assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of employees,

  • informal coaching and constant feedback.

They are practical, and at the same time, impatient with employers for additional financial resources. All you need are the skills and goodwill of managers and consistency in their voice.

How to increase efficiency?

How to improve staff performance, it is necessary to understand the possible reasons for low employee performance.

The main obstacles that prevent employees from working better include:

1. Lack of motivation (internal and external).

Increasing staff efficiency is primarily based on external and internal incentives. Motivation - has been, is, and will be the main driving force in achieving new results.

Most often, attention is paid to the external system of motivation (material incentives, recognition of achievements) and bypasses the internal cause of the employee.

The right decision is to allow staff to evaluate their work. Ideally, the result should coincide with the assessment of the head. With this approach, a person feels that only he can influence his achievements and the reward.

2. Lack of training.

Opportunities to learn act as a motivating factor for staff development and growth.

For management, this is also an investment in:

fight against competitors

development of customer loyalty and satisfaction

Sales - not employees are looking for customers, but customers of the right professionals.

3. Lack of control.

Today, companies divide into two camps: those who control the process and those who hold the result. Activity control should be, but which - depends on the scope of the firm.

4. Negative corporate environment.

Corporate culture creates socio-psychological working conditions. It is an environment that inspires, motivates, supports.

Getting into an unfavorable cell, the employee has two possible ways out of it: the first - is an immediate release from such a team, and the second - is to adapt to the environment — even good employees infected with the virus of disrespect for management, negligence, irresponsibility, laziness. Sometimes, the only way out is to lay off staff who do not share their mission and pull the team back.

Guide: how to implement a plan for low-skilled workers

The structure of each organization is different, depending on the field of activity and the reasons for its creation. There are general provisions that are always taken into account when drawing up an individual employee development plan:

  1. Goal. At the same time, it is essential that the employee himself is interested in development and understands why he needs it;

  2. Timing. The deadlines for achieving goals; when compiling a plan, the SMART principle is visible;

  3. Development actions. Development of activities and description of specific actions to achieve the set goals;

  4. Support. It should note who will help the employee in development, the manager or other employees;

  5. The control. That is, some indicators or parameters that will show the progress of the "pumping" of the employee;

  6. Completion mark. That is, whether the employee has achieved the intended results or not.

By the way, the plan itself is developed only after the assessment of personnel development, which carry out once every six months or once a year. Based on its results, the management makes decisions. If there are improvements, then the employee is added to the personnel reserve for the desired position. An increase or working conditions are changed; If there are still no significant improvements, then the plan is revised, and new activities developed pending evaluation.

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