Employee engagement: tips on measuring

Employee engagement: tips on measuring
  1. What does employee engagement mean?
  2. The influence of work and corporate culture on employee engagement
  3. Measure employee engagement:
  4. Gallup study: only make 30% really like their work!

Employee engagement can have a significant impact on business success. But what does it mean exactly? And how does it differ from employee satisfaction? Employee engagement is the energy that employees invest to achieve good results and move their company forward.

Committed employees are interested in their work and enjoy it. They see a deeper meaning in their work. They know how to bring their personal strengths into their work. You want to continue to train and develop yourself. You think for yourself and get involved.

In short: committed employees strive to give their best and thus contribute effectively to the ›success of their company. So it's obvious why employee engagement is so important to companies and why both sides - management and employees - should care about promoting it. So that everyone can pull together, it is advisable to have an effective program to promote employee engagement.

What does employee engagement mean?

Companies speak of employee engagement regarding employees' emotional commitment to the company and its goals and strategy. This personal commitment means that employees do not work exclusively for their salaries but are also emotionally connected to the company and are thus committed to achieving its goals. That creates competitive advantages! A high level of employee engagement increases creativity, productivity, service, and, therefore, customer satisfaction! Because employees who strive to achieve a high customer satisfaction level permanently ensure more customer loyalty and more sales.

The influence of work and corporate culture on employee engagement

Ultimately, satisfied customers are the result of comfortable and motivated employees. It's just a fact that dedicated people will make your business successful, be more productive at work, come up with better ideas and suggestions, less likely to quit, and of course, be happier than their teammates. The difference between a successful company and an average company is the culture. This is because successful companies understand the value of high employee engagement and shape the work culture accordingly. It is up to you to demand and promote the motivation and commitment of your employees. After all, according to a Gallup study, almost 70% of all employees are not emotionally connected to their own company. This cannot be due to the people who get up every day to “do their job.” With such a large percentage, every company has to touch its nose and ask itself whether management is really doing everything to ensure that employees are motivated and committed to their work!

Measure employee engagement:

  • Employee surveys on employee engagement and motivation

It's important to understand how engaged your employees are. Employee engagement surveys and the information they provide are the key to creating a positive workplace culture, increasing employee productivity, and creating a positive working atmosphere.

Dedicated employees are the basis of every successful company. According to the Gallup study cited above, 51% of employees are not engaged in the workplace, 17% are actively not engaged, and only 32% of all employees show a high employee engagement level. If these numbers are to change, then something has to change in the company. How seriously do you take your employees' commitment?

To understand the level of employee engagement, companies need to conduct employee engagement surveys at regular intervals.

Gallup study: only make 30% really like their work!

Employee surveys are a powerful tool for finding out something about employees' attitudes towards your job, the company, and motivation and productivity. With the right questions, you can also get an idea of ​​the morale of your employees. Wikipedia defines morality as follows: "Morality mostly refers to the factual patterns, conventions, rules or principles of specific individuals, groups or cultures." This definition can, of course, be applied 1: 1 to companies because there are also these patterns of action, conventions, rules, and principles in a company.

Unmotivated, unengaged, disconnected

A study of work ethics by Gallup, in which more than 150,000 employees were surveyed, showed that just 30% of respondents really enjoy doing their work. In contrast, a whopping 52% are unmotivated and unengaged. More than 18% even described themselves as “disconnected.”

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